Oziexplorer 3.95.5r Keygen
Changes Increased number of waypoints from 10000 to 100000.
Added full support for Windows 8 internal GPS - position, speed, heading and satellites.
Now supports 32bit tif map images.
Fixed crashing if using tif map images and rotating the screen.
Added a map scale, View Menu / Show / Map Scale. Drag map scale into position on the map.
Fixed name search searching for names with extended characters.
3.95.6b - needed to hide scale during map calibration otherwise it can cause errors to popup.
Release Version 3.95.5t (July 2013)Changes Fixed problem with Lat/Lon georeferenced geotiff images not importing correctly. The problem was caused by a new geotiff dll used to supprt bigtiff images, it was not formating the geotiff output correctly for lat/lon coordinates.
Release Version 3.95.5s (May 2013)Changes Added support for Windows 8 internal GPS using the API (experimental support was in the previous version). Windows 8 GPS API does not provide speed or heading. These are calculated from position data and time so may not be as accurate.
Windows 8 GPS API does not provide satellite info.
You must turn on the GNSS Device (the GPS) in windows settings.
You must turn on the "Windows Location platform" in Control Panel Location Settings.
Fixed issue with BSB kap files converted with img2ozf.
Fixed issue with importing mapinfo raster maps with tab file and geographic (lat/lon) projection.
Release Version 3.95.5p/q/r (March 2013)Changes Added support for the new OZF4 image format (soon to be released).
Added the ETRS89 datum
Fixed internet maps so they can be used from the cache (without initially connecting to the internet).
Fixed Google Terrain internet map, it works again.
Version 3.95.5q - Fixed datum error in seamless maps
Version 3.95.5q - Added support for BigTiff (tif images > 4 GBytes)
Version 3.95.5r - Fixed seamless maps not being able to load .ozf4 and some .ozfx3 images.
Release Version 3.95.5n (November 2011)Changes Added the following Garmin GPS receivers to the GPS list in OziExplorer Configuration. eTrex 10/20/30
Edge 200/500/800
Removed the Seamless Map from Map searches (it was always found regardless).
Added an option on the OziExplorer Help menu to delete the "MapView" Map Image thumbnails. Sometimes the thumbnails become corrupted (usually are black) - this allows them to be easily removed.The thumbnails can be removed at any time as they are automatically created when needed.
Release Version 3.95.5m (August 2011)Changes Added Seamless maps - same as in the development version, please see the help for details. This is the loading of multiple maps into OziExplorer so they are merged together to form one map.
This is a first look at the seamless map support in the release version and issues can be expected.
See the extensive details in the OziExplorer help.
Updated map version number in the url for for Google Satellite maps (part of Internet Maps).
Updated Open Street Map support (part of Internet Maps) - it is import to reduce the load on the Open Street Map server.. Changed User Agent String.
Reduced number of threads being used to get tiles.
No additional tiles are now queued - other those those in the viewing area.
Some settings in Internet Maps can now be controlled by an im.dat text file (download from the OziExplorer internet maps web page).
The Track Tail (track collected for viewing on screen as you move) is now a buffer of 10000 track points. The last 10000 track points are automatically saved and loaded.
The track tail is no longer logged into track 1.
The Track Tail defaults are on the Track tab in Configuration.
The are options for the Track Tail on the Moving map menu.
A smart algorithm based on changed distance and heading is used to log points.
Track logging to File is now enhanced. You can specify Daily Files, Weekly Files, Monthly Files or "Never change the file" (the previous version method).
The default is a Daily Log file - this means for each day of travelling a new track file is automatically created.
The Track Log File default is on the Track tab in Configuration.
There are options for the Log Track to File on the Moving map menu.
The number of user loaded tracks has been increased to 1000 (from 75).
When a Track is loaded it is automatically inserted into the next free track (not track 1), previous versions always loaded a single track into track 1.
A new property for Line Style has been added for tracks.
Release Version 3.95.5h / 3.95.5i / 3.95.5j / 3.95.5k (June 2010)Fixes 3.95.5j - Fixed issue with waypoints not being redrawn when changing from Internet maps to another map.
3.95.5j - Fixed issue with map dragging near the edge of the map.
3.95.5i - Fixed the issue of Internet maps not saving the Tile Store Path for maps other than Open Street Map.
3.95.5i - Fixed the issue of only *.rt2 files being displayed in the open file dialog when loading routes.
AIS - Class B vessels now display the name and other parameters.
There have been a few other minor fixes.
Changes 3.95.5k - Added support for the new Garmin Zumo 220 and Nuvi 1490 models.
3.95.5k - Updated map version number in the url for for Google Satellite maps (part of Internet Maps).
3.95.5k - Fine tuning done for more and less detailed map option.
3.95.5k - The printing of the route list has been improved.
3.95.5k - Changed how the first waypoint in a route is handled when navigation is started - the proximity zone no longer defaults to 100 meters but is now the same as the "Route Waypoint proximity" setting.
3.95.5j - Added the display of elevation onto the top status line next to the position when using OziExplorer3D.
3.95.5j - Improved waypoint list printing. Choose Portrait or Landscape.
Choose Font size.
Adjustment to the column width for the waypoint name.
Added / fixed support for the Garmin Dakota and Oregon x50 GPS models.
Added support for the Garmin GPSMAP 78 and 62 models.
The Garmin Oregon and Colarado can now be used for Moving Map - Set the GPS Interface to "Garmin Spanner" (do not install or start the Garmin Spanner software, it is not needed) - connect to the PC using normal USB cable - on the GPS screen set mass Storage Mode OFF - in OziExplorer configuration make sure "Garmin USB" and "Use PVT for Garmin instead of NMEA" are both checked - start moving map in OziExplorer.
Added time zone offset into the track files and the offset can be edited in track properties. Any display of a track point time will use the time zone offset if it is available.
The User Toolbar can now have different sizes. The setting is on the User Toolbar configuration dialog.
A Find GPS Port button has been added to the GPS tab in OziExplorer configuration. The ports on the PC will be scanned and the information about the GPS found will be displayed so the information can be manually entered into OziExplorer configuration.
Options for More and Less Detailed Map have been added - the options can be added to the User toolbar or Function keys, they are not available on the standard menus.
More Internet maps have been added - by opening the Internet map the new maps can be seen on the drop down menu.
Added option to Internet maps to ignore the cache so new tiles will be downloaded from the internet.
The help for OziExplorerCE has been removed from the OziExplorer help to reduce confusion between the two programs.
For Windows Vista and 7 the default folder where OziExplorer stores its system files has been changed to "c:\user\.OziExplorer" , this has been done to make it easier for users to find these files (the AppData folder which was used by previous versions is hidden by default in Vista and 7). Please Note - existing installations will still use the same folder they are currently using, this ensures your configuration files will still be found.
Release Version 3.95.5g (December 2009)Fixes Fixed issue with 24bit color tif image support.
Fixed issue where internet maps would stall (stop loading tiles).
Fixed an issue with routes in gpx files.
Fixed an issue with AIS configuration where the "Ship Label" settings were not being saved.
Changes Added latest Garmin GPS models to the selection in configuration.
Added support for lower case and extended characters for Garmin GPS.
Added moving map support for the Garmin Nuvi, Zumo and Streetpilot models when connected to the PC by the special Garmin serial cable. These use the PVT protocol. Only tested with the Nuvi 760 but it is assumed other models mentioned will work.
Release Version 3.95.5f (October 2009)Fixes moving map compass display fixed for non 100% zooms.
some fixes and improved support for XP and vista themes.
Changes Google maps changed their map url, this has been fixed.
New Zealand have released their new NZTM topo maps so have added support for New Zealand NZTM grid and datum.
Added support for the new topo maps for New Zealand. The topo50 maps are 24bit color geotiffs, the topo 250 are 24bit color geotiffs but stored within the tif as color planes (an unusual tif format for PC use).
24 bit color tif files can now be paged instead of having to be fully loaded into memory.
Added support for loading planar configuration tif files (but not paged - must be fully loaded).
Automatic Ship Identification (AIS) help is now listed in the Help contents.
Added the ability to store altitude in kml files.
Release Version 3.95.5e (September 2009)Fixes Exporting waypoints to text file fixed.
Some minor cosmetic issues fixed.
Changes Added the new Garmin Dakota to the GPS list.
Project Manager When a project is loaded the tracks are now loaded in the same order that they appeared in the Track Control when the project was created.
You can now specify a map position where the loaded project starts.
OziExplorerCE .rt2 route files can now be loaded, rt2 files cannot be saved but OziExplorerCE can read OziExplorers .rte files.
Added a Zoom Number display to the Internet maps control toolbar.
Release Version 3.95.5d (August-2009)Fixes Fixed issues with Update options on Help menu not being remembered.
The change of compiler caused some unusual issues on some systems.
Changes Added support for Open Street Maps and Virtual Earth Internet maps.
Google Maps support now works differently, it is part of the "internet maps" control, script errors should no longer happen. The Google Maps.map file will still work but is no longer provided - use the Internet Maps.map file instead.
Changed Google Earth support so the Google Earth software is no longer closed until OziExplorer is closed.
Release Version 3.95.5c (August-2009)Fixes Fixed issues with shape file import and export.
Changes Added support for USA Terraserver maps.
Added zoom level menu to Google maps.
Added ability to sort on CPA for the AIS (ship indentification system).
Release Version 3.95.5b (August-2009)Fixes some more minor fixes.
Changes Now includes support for Google Maps within OziExplorer. There is a link to the OziExplorer Google Maps page (on the OziExplorer page) where the .map file can be downloaded.
Some fixes done for the Google Earth support.
Added the ability to check if there is an update available. The default is a daily check but can be changed using the option on the Help menu. The update is not automatically downloaded but you are advised if there is one available and the changes that have been made.
Release Version 3.95.5a (July-2009)Fixes some minor fixes.
Changes Now includes support for Google Earth within OziExplorer. There is a link to the OziExplorer Google Earth page (on the OziExplorer page) where the .map file can be downloaded.
Fixed some unusual Vista issues.
Added support for AIS (Automatic Ship Identification) system. The option is on the Moving Map menu. This is the same as included in the development version of OziExplorer.
Changed to a new version of the compiler used to develop OziExplorer.
Release Version 3.95.4s (Oct-2008)Fixes Fixed some issues with the support for NV Digital Charts.
Fixed issues with gpx files being used with Garmin Mapsource.
Changes For Windows Vista the OziExplorer configuration files (and other OziExplorer system files) are placed in a specific folder in the "User" area of C drive. This caused problems when more than one copy of OziExplorer was run on the same computer or when OziExplorer was run from a removable drive. This version will place the configuration files in the "User" area in a folder name based on the OziExplorer installation folder name so the configuration files are kept separate for more than one installation. If OziExplorer is on a removable drive the configuration files are stored in the OziExplorer installation folder on the removable drive. If it is desired to force the configuration files be kept in the OziExplorer installation folder a special file called "AppDataLocal.dat" can be placed in the OziExplorer installation folder, it does not matter what is in the file the presence of the file is the trigger.
Release Version 3.95.4r (Sep-2008)Fixes Minor fixes relating to map import.
Changes Added support for NV Digital Charts. These are imported using the BSB import option.
Added direct support for the Garmin Colorado, Oregon, Nuvi and Zumo GPS receivers. OziExplorer reads and writes the GPX files stored in the GPS when it is connected to the PC as a disk drive.
Added Garmin symbols to GPX export and import if OziExplorer is configured to use a Garmin GPS.
Minor changes to work better with the Australian Natmap 2008 raster maps.
Release Version 3.95.4q (Apr-2007)Fixes Removed 216 error when closing OziExplorer and running Windows Vista (again).
Minor fix to correct the loading of some BSB4/5 charts.
Changes Added support for the Australian UBD regional cities and towns DVD Version 3. The map files can be downloaded from the Australian page of our web site.
When using Garmin PVT mode for moving map OziExplorer will now automatically reconnect to the GPS if PVT data transmission has been interrupted.
Release Version 3.95.4p (Feb-2007)Fixes Removed 216 error when closing OziExplorer and running Windows Vista.
Changes Windows Vista does not allow programs to store configuration files in the "Program Files" folder tree. If installed on Windows Vista this version of OziExplorer stores its configuration files in the AppData folder of the current User. Note that this folder is not visible to a User unless the "Show Hidden Files and Folders" option is selected in "Search and Folder Options".
Release Version 3.95.4n (Nov-2006)Fixes minor
Changes Added support for the Australian UBD Version 4 maps - version 4 .map files can be downloaded from the Australian page of the web site.
Added Russian language support
Release Version 3.95.4m (May-2006)Fixes NASA changed the web page links to the SRTM height data, these links on the OziExplorer 3D/Elevation menu have been fixed.
Changes Added support for the D801 PVT mode for the new Garmin "x" series GPS receivers.
Added the Garmin Edge to the list of Garmin GPS receivers in configuration.
Added support for the Garmin Edge track download (D304 data type). Track upload is not supported in this model.
Added support for additional ozfx3 image format types.
Release Version 3.95.4k (December-2005)Fixes NASA changed the web site for download of SRTM data, the links used to download SRTM height data have been fixed (preliminary fixes were done in the version 3.95.4j soon after its release, this version contains the official fix).
GPX and KML import generated access violations, these have been fixed (preliminary fixes were done in version 3.95.4j soon after its release, this version contains the official fix).
The GPX format OziExplorer generated failed to load in some other software, this has been fixed.
Changes For GPX and KML file formats the , and & symbols and now being translated as special characters.
Modified the Google Earth KML import to import a track as single track with sections (instead of multiple tracks).
Added the ability to export Tracks as Points in ESRI Shape File export.
Modified the Mapview code to remove the large flicker when resizing the window.
For Eastern languages OziExplorer replaces the degree and minute symbols with spaces (question marks were being displayed).
When loading a project file the map zooms and centers to show the data extents (if possible, the lowest zoom number available may not be able to show the data.).
Added a Zoom Data Extents button to the User Toolbar, if you already have a user Toolbar defined you will need to add the button manually if you want it displayed.
Release Version 3.95.4j (December-2005)Fixes minor fixes.
Changes Added support for the UBD Australian City maps. Only the new "Australian City Streets Version 3" maps are supported. See the Australian page of our web site for details. NOTE: The interface to OziExplorer does not work on systems running Windows 95 / 98 / ME Operating Systems.
Added support for Projects - a Project can be defined which includes a map and various data files. Projects can be created and saved and the map and all the data files are loaded when the Project is loaded.. The Project Manager option is located on the Options menu.
Added support for reading and writing GPX files, the options are on the Load and Save menus. These options can also be installed on the User Toolbar.
Added support for Google Earth - reading and writing KML files ; view waypoints and tracks in Google Earth ; show current map position in Google Earth. These options can also be installed on the User Toolbar.
Added the ability to join tracks together, this option is located on the "More Options" bu