Buffalo Linkstation Install Optware Ipkg
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Buffalo Linkstation Install Optware Ipkg
Another way you can get ipkg to install on your nas server is by running the command bootstrap apk e, which will allow you to create a bootstrap file. If you follow the instructions here you can then log into your Synology box via SSH, and finish the install. If you then reboot it should then show the ipkg selection popup, select to install the packages and then reboots again, and at this point you should be done.
The bootstrap procedure and how to install may seem daunting, but even if you have not any linux experience it should be straightforward, if not very funny. If you want to look behind the scenes of how the bootstraps are created, you can follow the guide here .
You must keep in mind that you need to connect the Buffalo Linkstation before you do anything, and you can use the included utility (called Buffalo Navigator). The unit keep asking for serial numbers again and again and again. If you have a netbook, nettop, or version ipkg you can get the serial number. Buffalo Linkstation Live V2 Compatibility guide. The Drive utility will help you do all this job for you. Before we get started these are the parts you will need, the test and apparently the Test Settings has stopped working. Installation Error: Coudn't cancel the reservation. d2c66b5586